[Salon] Trump and Poland’s Duda discuss ongoing wars during NYC meeting - POLITICO

It seems to me that people believing the false narrative created by Trump’s Oligarchical backers beginning in 2015 that he was seeking to “end the endless wars,” while completing the encirclements of Russia and China and escalating hostilities against Iran in league with his Israeli fascist allies can only be willfully ignorant, or waging a deception campaign, on behalf of those same Oligarchs whom so many are are associated with. Remember Trump’s promise to make the US the greatest military power ever as his “Peace Through Strength” ideology handed down to him by his mentor Roy Cohn, and the McCarthyite “Conservative Movement” Cohn was associated with through Buckley, Burnham, and Kendall? Paul Gottfried is a harsh critic of them as well as I am and recognizes that they were ultra-militarists in his book “Conservatism in America, just as I do. Though he also laments them losing their original fascist character, as influenced by Carl Schmitt (see p. 83 in the attached file below, in echoes of the “consensus” Kendall called for of exclusion and censorship, as does Yoram Hazony and the Nazional Conservatives. 

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Quote from main article below: "Trump’s campaign provided little information about the meeting but stated they discussed Duda’s proposal for NATO countries to boost their defense spending to 3 percent of their gross domestic product — a stance the Polish president also touted in an opinion piece in the Washington Post last month. In the piece, Duda argued that “Russia’s imperialistic ambitions and aggressive revisionism are pushing Moscow toward a direct confrontation with NATO” and that NATO must be prepared to meet the threat.

Trump has refused to commit to protecting NATO, saying that he would condition his support on whether countries in the alliance spend at least 2 percent of its gross domestic product on defense.

Which is hardly “weakening” NATO, to demand it spend closer to what he demands US citizens pay for the Department of Military Aggression, aimed directly at Russia, China, and Iran!

"The Trump campaign said in a readout of the meeting that they had discussed a proposal from Duda that NATO members spend at least 3% of their gross domestic product (GDP) on defence. The current minimum target is 2%.

"Trump also hailed Poland’s decision to buy more than 30 F-35 joint strike fighter jets from the U.S. In recognition of that purchase, a single F-35 made two passes over the White House on a sunny afternoon as Trump, Duda and their wives watched from the lawn. Duda looked up and waved at the passing jet.

"Duda also invoked Trump’s “Make America Great Again” campaign slogan as he thanked the president for his interest in Poland.

. . . 

"Trump’s decision to increase the U.S. military presence in Poland was welcomed by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg. “This shows the strong commitment of the US to European security & the strength of the transatlantic bond,” he said in a tweet."


We thank President Duda and the people of Poland for their partnership in advancing our common security.


Poland's burden sharing also extends to the NATO Alliance, where it is among eight NATO Allies, including the United States, currently meeting the minimum 2 percent of GDP that's for defense spending. And Poland is there. And you've been there from a very early date, and we appreciate that very much. And we've been there also.


There's been a total of 8 - 8 out of 28, and the rest are coming along. Because nations, at my urging, have paid more than $100 billion more toward the NATO defense.


Last month, I was very pleased that Poland announced the intent to purchase 32 American-made F-35 fighter aircraft, like you just saw.

Only ignorant/stupid journalists could misconstrue the above as either “weakening NATO,” or “ending the endless wars,” when it was clearly a massive military buildup for offensive use against Russia, as were Trump’s redeployment/reconstituting the US military in the IndoPacific for war against China, as well as initiating actual kinetic war against Iran and Palestinians as co-belligerents with Israel! 

And the New Right calls themselves “Right-wing Peaceniks!

Trump and Poland’s Duda discuss ongoing wars during NYC meeting

The pair dined together for more than two hours.

Former President Donald Trump walks with Poland's President Andrzej Duda at Trump Tower in New York.

While Trump is attending the trial in-person, the proceedings typically take a break on Wednesdays for the duration of the trial, which is expected to last at least six weeks.

Trump’s campaign provided little information about the meeting but stated they discussed Duda’s proposal for NATO countries to boost their defense spending to 3 percent of their gross domestic product — a stance the Polish president also touted in an opinion piece in the Washington Post last month. In the piece, Duda argued that “Russia’s imperialistic ambitions and aggressive revisionism are pushing Moscow toward a direct confrontation with NATO” and that NATO must be prepared to meet the threat.

Trump has refused to commit to protecting NATO, saying that he would condition his support on whether countries in the alliance spend at least 2 percent of its gross domestic product on defense.

Trump’s campaign also stated the pair discussed the wars in Ukraine and between Israel and Hamas, though it didn’t elaborate.

The dinner with Duda is the latest in a string of discussions Trump has had in recent months with world leaders. Ahead of the November elections, he has spoken with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, dined with British foreign secretary David Cameron, and met with Argentine President Javier Milei and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, according to two people familiar with the talks. Cameron has said that he discussed the question of funding for Ukraine with the former president, according to the Washington Post.

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